Saturday, December 29, 2012

The art of a great photo-bomb

Since our studio is closed for the Christmas holiday, it gives me a couple weeks to reflect on ALL the 'together-ness' our dance team has had during the past year.
Looking at pictures (really, just trolling Facebook) I realized that SO much of our fun is because this group is just down-right funny.
Honestly... Some of our BEST, BEST laughs were just attempting to get a good photo.
An otherwise natural shot.... Olivia3 just couldn't help herself.

But she isn't alone... Holly is a hoot when she wants to be!
But... Back to Olivia3 (the child has spunk)

Not sure what was happening here... I think it was a Call-me-maybe thing... Based on Sammy and Stephanie's telephone thing
You must look DEEPER than the front, the girls WAY in the back---
Total photo-bomb-age.

The call for a 'silly' photo met an always ready crowd at Halloween.

Olivia3 is an act all by herself, isn't she?

So... Who to point out first?
Olivia2... In front? She could've smiled... But NOOOO, she pouts.
Holly... Peace, sister.
Meredith... Behind Holly... Thank God she's short.
Or Jessie... (far left) had no idea she was in but smiled anyway.

Speaking of Jessie.... (far back) FANTASTIC bombing!

Even Becky can't help herself....

The KISS-tongue thing is popular with this group.
Bri... Such a clown

Lora... Acting shy (with 3 layers of clothing?)

A simple, simple photo.... Photo-bombed by my own daughter.
(one of my most favorite pics because of the braces... A teen-thing)

Mia... Was going for the angry-rock-star look

Olivia2's refusal to participate was its OWN photo-bomb

Even the shots they take of themselves....

And just to prove that I am not above the silliness...
(this was taken at the Cooper city charter school's festival)

Taliah and Gracelyn... Got the same puff-faced memo

Really... Lora is tall, but not THAT tall.

Can you believe that this child probably doesn't know WHO 'the Fonz' is??

Oh yes.... This is the DEFINITION of the perfect photo bomb!!
(Holly... Great timing! )

April's Look-at-me moment... Sabotaged by Olivia3's bombing! (too cute)
just a little insight to the silliness this group can have...
It's the reason we love each other
And the reason poor Liana has to post 150+ photos of each event... These kids can't help themselves from dropping a bomb.
Thanks for checking us out

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