Sunday, May 5, 2013

SFC's April clogging

April 2013 started out strong.
Performing at the Davie Easter egg hunt is becoming a tradition.

A line-up like this means the song BOP is playing.
Rumor has it to be Becky's most favorite song.

Different levels practice on different nights each week. 

We are all together on days like this. The size of this group does amaze me.

Instead of theTa-Da photo, we opted for the HUG-EACH-OTHER shot.

(gotta point out Olivia2 up top -- hugging herself. Teenagers!)

Some of us stayed behind to take a few publicity shots.
Can you believe that we are asked for them now??
Exciting, right!

We took many that day... This was my favorite.

The girls decided to charge AT the photographer.

The pure laughter that this group shares is the reason we all love each other.

Becky's birthday is in April.
The cake (every year) ends up on her face.

I hope she isn't surprised... It is a definite thing.

Briana.... Go get your own cake.
Don't take it off Becky's forehead!

Ah yes.... The cake wars made it over to me and Me-ma, too.

Down in Pembroke Pines, for the craft/art show.

Not sure who this camera guy was filming for, but he added a level of excitement to the team performance.

Becky had another commitment, so the task of welcoming the crowd fell on John's broad shoulders.

I'll tell you, that guy can do anything.

Sally (sun glasses), Meredith and Skylar.... All caught with great smiles!

Robin and Mimi... Friends and moms to (2) cloggers each.

Fund-raiser garage sale.

Skylar's frame was the prettiest one at the whole thing!

Sammy, Meredith, and Briana... Sell, sell, sell.

Becky and Carmen... Picture says it all, don't you think?

Pretty large shopping crowd too!

Sunrise Earth day festival. (see us at 1245!)

Really cute park, great stage.

Ha... The one time my arms are straight... We were all over the place.

I had to include this picture... Vinnie getting some great jumps in! 

It was painfully hot that day.
A snow cone booth was really busy after this shot

Shows on school nights are tough
Add in a drive to Boca Raton. Yikes!

Holly and Skylar (forever friends)

Are these sisters from the most beautiful family, or what?
They are just as sweet as they are cute... Good job, mom and dad!

The awaiting crowd...

Garrett (Olivia3's brother) helped out with the AV stuff.
I think Becky was just a little grateful.

Nice turn out for an April 30 (Tuesday night) show.

And... Of course.
We MUST do a Ta-Da photo. (they are a requirement, for sure)

Vinnie, Emilia, Meredith, and Jana. (off stage)

Stopping for dinner.

Parents and Grandparents UNITE.

Some very special events coming up in May.
Thanks for sharing our busy month of April.
Check in again... Soon.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

South Florida Cloggers (Spring time clogging March/April 2013)

This clogging post/update is SO overdue that I'm afraid my role as story-teller for this group may be in jeopardy!


Keeping up with this group is like shoveling the driveway while it's still snowing.... Just impossible.

(I know that Floridians can't relate... But you get the point, right?)

In a nutshell...

Here's what we've been up to since our Tennessee weekend...


Coral Springs Art Festival (March)
This was the start of a VERY busy weekend - most of it in northern Broward, which is s-w-e-e-t for those team members that live that way.


Our view of the awaiting crowd from the side of the stage.
Take notice of our best-est photographer (Liana) in the red shirt video-taping.
Everyone say a collective THANK YOU, Liana, please. ;)


You gotta love it whenever the younger ones are up on stage.

They really turn heads.... Too cute


A very, green group doing a Ta-da pose.... You know we GOTTA do it!

(note to self.... Remind everyone to wear black flip flops!)

After the show... Way to go girls!
Really.... How adorable is Emilia (far left) watch out for show-stopper in a few years.
And everyone's favorite little-Becky... April (with flowers)
Good job.
Next day.... Farmers Market (Parkland)
All dressed in green (again)... Well, it was St. Patrick's week
Who can resist the photo board?
(Lindsay, Holly, and Briana)
Next... Skylar, Olivia3, and April
Glad the weather held up.... Lora, our awesome #2 (so pretty)


Spring Fling at VSY Elementary (March)

Emilia and April.
(something tells me these two will be friends for a long time)
Love this shot
And totally calling out the Mia's shoes are a perfect match for someone's shirt


Outdoor shows.... No rain is always appreciated!


Walking out... Meredith was owning the entrance.
Cute entry-arch, isn't it?
Our most favorite founding father, John, hugs his daughter as Becky gets the crowd going.


April loved the balloons.... What kid doesn't?

Ok... Maybe Briana wasn't as impressed.



Next weekend.... Ranch Roam at the Bergeron house

Has everyone driven passed this compound!
It was a great home, beautiful property... Nice fund-raiser!
We were just honored to be invited to perform.
Of course, the ride in is ALWAYS interesting.
First class treatment... Driven in from the parking lot by stage-coach!
Really cool.
This event was huge... Our view from the backside of the stage
(yes... There was THAT many people attending)
Performing on clay meant we couldn't wear our tap-shoes!
A first for us.... A quiet, quiet performance.
But we pulled it off.... Briana is always ready to get the crowd involved.
Our clogging shoes all match.... Our sneakers do not
At least not when we started out.
Some of us didn't GET that 'ALL BLACK' sneakers really meant ALL BLACK.
Easily fixable..... With a can of Black spray paint, that is.
(see the 'before' shoe in the front?)
I'll tell ya.... ANYTHING for this team!
While there, Becky threw the crazy teenagers in jail.
But then the REAL cop came and threw US in.
He took a vote to ask if we should get bail. Ugh.

ok...ok... I know this was meant for smokers
But really, could we just walk by this sign?
Briana immediately recognized Paul from the TV show 'Gator boys'
He was nice enough to pose with us.
They fed us.... Great food.


And great chocolate!!


oh... Olivia3.... You Know I HAD to post this one!!

Just enough horses for a group ride.


Outside.... On the way out.

So, that was March in a nutshell.

April was just as crazy, busy... Deserves its own post.

We are SO grateful to the events that ask us to perform.

We really enjoy it. Thanks for sharing!