Friday, November 30, 2012

Busy holiday season.... Starts this weekend.

Our dance team will be kicking off the Christmas season this weekend -- lots of shows scheduled over the few weeks.

Today.... The 4 members of our advanced team are heading south to Key Largo for a whole day of clogging. I'm hearing that they have 16 numbers lined up... Wow!

(apparently they were asked to arrive wearing camouflage, so I'm excited to see those photos when they pop up later today) Of course, I'll try to post them ASAP.

On Tuesday, Becky was on hand to help get things going at the Winterfest Festival down on Las Olas...

Look who she ran into....

On Saturday, December 1st, the South Florida Cloggers will be participating in the Holiday parade at Forest Ridge in Davie. The parade starts at 1p but the community shuts down the road at 1230pm, if you plan on attending, get there early. There will be a stage set up for performances after the parade so stick around to see us.

On Sunday, December 2nd, we will be back at the Fort Lauderdale Winterfest Family Fun on Las Olas. We are scheduled to go on at 130pm.

If you are in the area for either performance, stop by for a great time.

By the way.... I have mentioned that we are performing in Disney on December 15? Pretty sure I have.... We continue to practice 2-3 days a week ( in addition to performing) to get ourselves ready for that.

As pictures of this weekend come available, I'll post them.

Have a great Friday, everyone.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Broward County Youth Fair (11/18/12)

Our dance team performed at the Broward County Youth Fair on Sunday, including the newest team... The level 1's.

They performed for the second time EVER this weekend. Very exciting!

Don't look TOO hard at the mismatched feet. We all got the memo about at least attempting to wear black flip flops last week.

My personal clan (me, Meredith, olivia2, and Jessica(sunshine)) couldn't attend... Proof that life goes on without us, I suppose, ugh.

All of these pics are from our fantastic official, unofficial photographer, Liana (Holly's mom), which is easy to do since she takes SO many photos... It is a smorgasbord of pics to choose from on FB. Thanks, Liana.

A reminder of Holly (left) and Skylar... Both were introduced on the Meet the Elvis team post.

This beautiful trio is Erica, Lindsey, and Emilia.

So proud am I to watch these girls blossom into young ladies. (Emilia looks happy to just be in the shot... Love it)

I will post these mid-air shots every time! (unless, of course, I look terrible and tired? There is a reason why I'm in the back always)

Our kid-cloggers.

Child #2 is April... Becky's daughter. She is really concentrating on getting the correct opposite circle action going. Strong work, April.

Gotta love the crowd!

Kid-size-cloggers... Doing their thing.

Thank God for our supportive parents!

Do I hear a collective 'Awwwww'?

Moving on...

By far, the best F-U-N of the day happened after the show... Apparently.

Now... There are pictures on FB posted of Becky on the mechanical bull, which had a definite Urban Cowboy vibe to them -for those old enough to remember that awesome film.

Please feel free to visit South Florida Cloggers on FB for those.

But... This child's bull ride was the bomb...

Yeah... She got it!!

Below... Anyone up for a water balloon game? Guess who won?

Holly!!! No sore losers here... I just want to know how she passed up the bananas hanging from above. Lol.

Mia and Olivia strolled off.

Meanwhile, this bull was like 'really?' when Richard (Mia's Papa) tried to make small talk.

I think the bull was happier when these two beauties walked up. (Mia and Olivia1)

Uh, Stephanie? Worried about a little spit?

Off to the rides... Holly and Erica! I remember loving these carnival rides.

A girl and her prize friend... Can you think of anyone better to watch a magic show with?

Becky can't either...

I hope everyone enjoyed getting to know us a little better...

We like sharing.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Prestige picnic and Davie craft fair (11/17/12)

We had not one, but two, shows back to back on Saturday. As crazy as it sounds to have NO time between shows, I think it is better this way than to have the shows spaced out by a few hours... Keep the outfit on, drive like crazy, change shoes, ready to go.

We started out Saturday at CB Smith park Prestige Picnic. It was pretty crowded actually, at least the food areas were pretty full. The park did a good job of placing BIG tents near the DJ/entertainment (us) so the crowd was nicely spread out.
Above... The group of us ready to go on. Please note the beautiful blue sky... It didn't stay that way long.

Our clogging group in action. They had bleachers for spectators

The food line was directly behind the bleachers.

Can you see the dark cloud rolling in... We didn't because of the tent!

So, the sky opened. The ENTIRE crowd rushes under cover, except for ONE, solitary, watcher in the audience that braved the rain to cheer on her oldest daughter. And it rained hard... She never moved.
Who was this wonderful, dedicated mom???
Gracelyn's mom, Channon. I was touched to see her clapping in the rain. It meant a lot.
We wrapped up and raced over to the Rodeo fairgrounds in Davie for show #2 - the Davie arts and craft fair.

Becky started out her own clogging career at this same event and has considered it the tradition to unveil her newest class (always to the same song, BOP) each year.

This is our crew at last year's event in 2011

And this is South Florida Cloggers 2012!! (with Mayor Judy Paul)

we've grown SO much! We are seated by level; if you look closely, you'll pick out the cloggers in both photos.

An exciting day because it was the FIRST time performing on stage for a whole bunch of them! (I'll apologize in advance for not knowing the names of the level1's and their families... Yet) ;)

Not first-timers... Sally and Sierra.

Best part is Mimi (Sally's mom) enjoying their excitement.

Junior cloggers are just SO adorable. I had to steal some FB photos.

Mia... Doing 'Swinging'

Gotta get them on just right. Happy to see another male in the mix!

Keep it up!

Jessica (Sunshine)

She isn't a newby but she is rarely in a pic alone.

Mary.. Aka Memaw... Camera wars!

I love action shots like this...

'C' is for CLOGGING

Taliah (Rapunzel) and Vinny.

Waiting to perform...

Taliah's parents... Jeanette and Mike, with Becky. Love this shot.

Sarah and her Mom Susan.

Sarah came with Meredith to bring-a-friend night... She was hooked.

It happens....

I'm not sure which is better... Meredith's pout, Sierra' s soft smile, or olivia3's peek-a-boo.

But I gotta give it to Jessica in the back.... AWESOME photo-bombing.

A lot of our dance performances are posted on You-Tube. Just search SOUTH FLORIDA CLOGGERS on You-tube. *Once I figure out how to easily post videos... I'll load them up on the blog. It's more challenging/time consuming than I have patience for now, but I''l keep trying*

So adorable, isn't she?

The level 1 team has spent the last few months learning the basics then putting together a performance.

It was exciting to hear the parents cheer.

 In a clogging group of kids/teens, there are 3 sets of mothers-with-two-dancing-daughters.
That's me on top (flanked by Meredith and Olivia), Robin in the middle (with Erica and Emilia), and Mimi on the bottom (with Sally and Danielle)

It's a P-O-W-E-R mom pic. (Thanks Olivia1 for taking it)

I know I skipped lots of pics... Too many to post, I'm sorry.

Well... Long enough. I'll post the Sunday show at the Youth Fair another day. It deserves it's own post... It includes carnival rides, clogging, a real bull AND a mechanical bull!! Those photos are too funny.

Thanks for sharing with us.